Using Clary Sage for Labor Pain!

Stephanie McBride discusses the benefits of using Clary Sage during labor. Clary Sage can regulate contractions and relax the body. Also learn about incorporating other oils during the birthing process.


Essential Oils for Maternal Wellness by Stephanie McBride

“I have had the pleasure of knowing Stephanie over the years through our initial interaction through a networking group called Community Inspired Professionals. At that time, Stephanie was a nutritionist and herbalist and I was fascinated by her work with moms and babies. My work as a naturopathic physician resonated with Stephanie thus leading to a long friendship of sharing ideas and stories to help our patients...

I feel Stephanie has done a wonderful job weaving the stories and the remedies well together without overwhelming the reader. The information is laid out well for every segment of a woman’s life from preconception to birth to postpartum and tidbits of infant care support. 

For providers, I feel this is a great resource to give their patients a basic guide for home care education. 

I hope you enjoy reading this guide as much as I have! 

Yours in Health, 

Dr. Jill Ghormley, ND, MAMS Naturopathic Physician 

Pregnancy and Essential Oils Booklet

Learn to use Essential Oils

Safe and effective use for Pregnancy, Maternal Wellness, & Babies

Essential Oils for the Birth Kit!

Essential Oils for 

Maternal Wellness - General Track

Essential Oils for Maternal Wellness© (formerly Essential Oils for the Birth Kit©) is a complete online training course developed for moms-to-be, birth doulas, and essential oil educators who would like to learn how to safely and effectively apply essential oils during each phase of maternity and for infant care. This course offers updated content and is much enhanced compared to previous courses offered. Including new photos, studies, and video tutorials!

Essential Oils for Maternal Wellness 

CEU - Professional Track

The professional track, Essential Oils for Maternal Wellness CEU©, includes CEU credits for birth professionals who are licensed in the United States. It is a complete online training course developed for licensed birth professionals who would like to learn how to safely and effectively apply essential oils during each phase of maternity and for infant care. Upon completion, U.S.-based participants will earn .6 CEU credits through MEAC or ACMN. This course offers updated content and is much enhanced compared to previous courses offered. Including new photos, studies, and video tutorials!