Start with the right tools!

Foaming Bottles 


Dispensing Tubes


Dispensing Bottles



Roller Bottles




Nasal Containers


Treatment Bottles


Dropper Bottles


Storage Bottles

We have what you need to get started!

With products added all the time!



We have recipes for almost everything!



Label sheets in all shapes and sizes.


DIY Kits

DIY Kits for Lip Balm, Bath Balm Pets and so much more.


Are you looking for packaging for your products?

Get the Right Container!

Over 1 million bottles in stock! 

Glass Bottles

Plastic Bottles

Jars & Tins

Leak Guard Roller Bottles!

Never get a drop less!
10 ml Purple Frosted Bottles with Leak Guard™ Rollers (Pack of 5) Glass Roller Bottles Your Oil Tools

    246 rating

  • (Ranked 2nd in the Top 100 selling products this month)

  • 100% Quality Inspection on each pack.

  • Purple Frosted glass bottles with Leak Guard rollers and Black Plastic caps. 

More purchase you make, better price you get

Take a look at all of our roller bottles!

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Bottle Sizing

Dip Tube Length

If the dip tube on your bottle top seems too long, you can trim the tube to fit the size of the bottle.

A lot of our tubes are made for several different bottle sizes. 

Try to cut the tube at a 45° angle to ensure proper function.

Losen a Roller Ball

If you find that the roller balls are "sticking" then it may just be a matter of putting some carrier oil on your thumb and rubbing the surface of the roller ball, or simply working the roller ball with your thumb without any carrier oil. With enough rubbing or friction over the surface of the roller ball, it should be enough to loosen it.

Bulk Pricing Options

We're happy to provide quantity discounts on many of our popular aromatherapy tools. Many of the discounts are displayed on their corresponding product pages. 

Product Samples

We are not offering product samples at this time.

You are more than welcome to purchase just one, and then purchase a larger quantity at a future date.

Stock Availability

To view the quantity of an item that we have in stock, click on the product you are looking to purchase.

In the top product description, the quantity will appear.